Infomaniak Entertainment SA - rue de la Gabelle 9 Carouge GE, 1227, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- CHE115950141
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- rue de la Gabelle 9
- Carouge GE
- 1227 rue de la Gabelle 9, Carouge GE, 1227 CH
- Managing Directors
- Boris Siegenthaler
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Corporation (Ltd)
- Incorporated
- 2010-9-01
- Age Of Company 2010-09-01 14 years
- Activity
- Fourniture de tous produits pour la billetterie ainsi que la vente de billets; gestion du personnel, accréditation, organiser des conférences, des festivals, des concerts et tout autre événement (cf. statuts pour but complet).
- Share Capital
- 100000 CHF
- Paidup Capital
- 100000
- Share Description
- 1'000 actions de CHF 100, nominatives, liées selon statuts
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- active
- Court
- CH/Genève
- Initial company number
- CH66021380101
- VAT Number
- CHE115950141
Infomaniak Entertainment SA Company Description
- Infomaniak Entertainment SA is a Corporation (Ltd) registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no CHE115950141. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2010-9-01. The declared activity is Fourniture de tous produits pour la billetterie ainsi que la vente de billets; gestion du personnel, accréditation, organiser des conférences, des festivals, des concerts et tout autre événement (cf. statuts pour but complet).. The managing director is Boris Siegenthaler.It can be contacted at Rue De La Gabelle 9 Carouge Ge .
Get Infomaniak Entertainment SA Register Report
You are here: Infomaniak Entertainment Sa - rue de la Gabelle 9 Carouge GE, 1227, Switzerland
- 2010-09-01
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2018-12-24 Modification
- Infomaniak Entertainment SA, à Carouge (GE), CHE-*.*.* (FOSC du *.*.*, p. */*). Nouveau siège: Genève, rue Eugène-Marziano *, * Les Acacias. Statuts modifiés le *.*.*.
Infomaniak Entertainment SA
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Infomaniak Entertainment SA as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence