ecoduna produktions-GmbH - Szallasweg 2, 2460 Bruck an der Leitha, Austria
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 349401a
- Company Status
- Country
- Austria
- Registered Address
- Szallasweg 2
- 2460 Bruck an der Leitha Szallasweg 2, 2460 Bruck an der Leitha AT
- Managing Directors
- Franz J. Emminger (Geschäftsführer)
- Mag.Dr. Silvia Fluch, MSc (Geschäftsführer)
- Mag. Johann Mörwald (Geschäftsführer)
- Company secretaries
- -
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
- Incorporated
- 2010-07-28
- Shareholders
- Franz J. Emminger (0 , 0%)
- Mag. Martin Mohr (0 , 0%)
- Gebhard Augendopler (650.04 , 0.76%)
- Dr. Mariette Berset (1917.53 , 2.26%)
- DI Gerhard Danzinger (220.02 , 0.26%)
- ecoduna AG (53889.92 , 63.40%)
- Walter Graf (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Stefan Graf (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Martin Gretsch (750.21 , 0.88%)
- DI Thomas Leo Gstrein (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Christian Hanel (153.40 , 0.18%)
- DI Michael Hannesschläger (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Albert Heilinger (440.04 , 0.52%)
- Mag. Thomas Heinrich (433.36 , 0.51%)
- HEST Heizungs- u. Klimaanlagen - (191.75 , 0.23%)
- hm-helpconsult gmbh (7670.12 , 9.02%)
- Franz Jüly (1150.52 , 1.35%)
- Herbert Juranek (767.01 , 0.90%)
- Judith Kögl (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Franz Kögl (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Johann Kopp (366.70 , 0.43%)
- Markus Lingfeld (680.22 , 0.80%)
- Johann Markowitsch (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Friedrich Metzker (440.04 , 0.52%)
- Andrea Metzker (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Isabel Metzker (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Ing. Franz Nemeth (440.04 , 0.52%)
- Mag. Karl Newertal (146.68 , 0.17%)
- Mag. Josef Newertal, BSc,MSc (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Ingrid Perger (958.76 , 1.13%)
- Gerhard Perger (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Mag. Gerald Pichler (220.02 , 0.26%)
- DI Matthias Pober (987.03 , 1.16%)
- Josef Pöllmann (146.68 , 0.17%)
- Petra Pschill (183.35 , 0.22%)
- Ing. Gottfried Pschill (183.35 , 0.22%)
- Dr. Reinhold Puhr (3068.05 , 3.61%)
- Dr. Sonja Puhr (1150.52 , 1.35%)
- Martin Punter (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Johann Raser (440.04 , 0.52%)
- Hubert Reinschedl (293.36 , 0.35%)
- David Reiser (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Martin Reiser (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Andrea Reiser (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Herbert Rosner (73.34 , 0.09%)
- Franz Sack (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Martin Scharf (383.51 , 0.45%)
- Ing. Wilhelm Schenzel (191.75 , 0.23%)
- Barbara Schenzel (191.75 , 0.23%)
- Mag. Gabriele Schwarz (220.02 , 0.26%)
- DI Günter Schwarz (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Dkfm. Heidegunde Senger-Weiss (767.01 , 0.90%)
- Ing. Peter Skol (110.01 , 0.13%)
- Herbert Stava (733.47 , 0.86%)
- Ing. Kerstin Stava (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Ing. Johannes Strobl (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Gerhard Supper (650.04 , 0.76%)
- Mag. Andrea Winkler (220.02 , 0.26%)
- Roland Wittner (220.02 , 0.26%)
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- gelöscht
- Court
- Landesgericht Korneuburg
ecoduna produktions-GmbH Company Description
- ecoduna produktions-GmbH is a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung registered in Austria with the Company reg no FN 349401 a. Its current trading status is "closed". It was registered 2010-07-28. The managing director is Franz J. Emminger,Mag.Dr. Silvia Fluch, MSc,Mag. Johann Mörwald.It can be contacted at Szallasweg 2 .
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You are here: Ecoduna Produktions-Gmbh - Szallasweg 2, 2460 Bruck an der Leitha, Austria
Announcements from the Firmenbuch
- 2017-08-02 Striking off
- Die Firma mit der offiziellen Registernummer *a wurde aus dem Firmenbuch gelöscht. Diese Bekanntmachung wurde im Firmenbuch mit der Vollzugsnummer * und Typ Löschung am *-*-* eingetragen.
ecoduna produktions-GmbH
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Register Report
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Annual Accounts
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Articles of Association
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Credit Report by KSV1870
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