Georgia (GE) is our new live connection

What did we integrate?

We bring to you another direct connection that expands our current coverage portfolio. The real-time data comes from the official Georgian Business Register (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი).

The connection contains 11 legal types:

  • Individual Entrepreneur
  • General Partnership
  • Cooperative
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Joint Stock Company
  • Limited Partnerships
  • Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entity
  • Legal Person Under Public Law
  • Branch Of Foreign Enterprise
  • Branch Of Non-Entrepreneurial Legal Person
  • Branch Of An Enterprise Registered In A Free Industrial Zone
  • Why did we integrate?

    Georgia is a geographical connection between Europe and Asia with a thriving economic growth. Since the quality and variety of data provided by the official register is on a high level, creating a direct connection was a logical step for us to bring to our customers more data in real-time.

    How can you use Georgian integration?

    The Georgian connection is available for both API products: APIv1 and APIv2.

    Search by number: with number (e.g. 404457039)

    ID needs to be complete to provide response. It has to contain 9-digits.

    Search by name: with name (i.e. შპს General Energy Company ჯენერალ ენერჯი კომპანი)

    Refresh dataset

    The refresh response from the new connection will cover all the information below:

  • kompanyId
  • countryCode
  • countryName
  • registrationNumber
  • name
  • status
  • providedStatus
  • address
  • legalForm
  • localnumber
  • registrationDate
  • Refresh sample


    curl --location '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'user_key: {secret}'


      "datasetId": "6537545E69FDBA04DBF938EA39B3106F",
      "kompanyId": "E29CFF015E81C26CA9BAF8BACAE2C21A",
      "datasetName": "refresh",
      "datasetOptions": [],
      "info": null,
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "requestTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00",
      "responseTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00",
      "estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
      "content": {
        "kompanyId": "E29CFF015E81C26CA9BAF8BACAE2C21A",
        "countryCode": "GE",
        "countryName": "Georgia",
        "registrationNumber": "400350749",
        "name": "პოზიტიური აზრის აკადემია ტესლა",
        "status": "LIVE",
        "providedStatus": "რეგისტრირებულია",
        "address": "",
        "legalForm": "არასამეწარმეო (არაკომერციული) იურიდიული პირი",
        "additionalData": {
          "otherIdentifiers": {
            "localNumber": "400350749"
          "legalEvents": {
            "registrationDate": "26/1/2023"
        "associatedEntities": {
          "shareholders": [],
          "officers": [],
          "ultimateBeneficialOwners": []
        "industryActivityCode": [],
        "providerSpecificData": [],
        "sources": [
            "name": "Georgia Business Register - (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი)",
            "info": null,
            "primary": true,
            "fields": [
            "lastCheckedTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00"
        "version": "company-v2.0"

    Enhanced/Super dataset

    The Enhanced/Super response from the new connection will cover all the information below:

  • kompanyId
  • countryCode
  • countryName
  • registrationNumber
  • name
  • status
  • providedStatus
  • address
  • legalForm
  • localnumber
  • registrationDate
  • officers
  • Enhanced/Super sample


    curl --location 'curl '' -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "user_key: {secret}" --data-binary '{"kompanyId":"E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841","enhancedOptions":{"generalData":"1","stakeholders":"0","shareholders":"0","beneficialOwners":"0","suppressRefresh":"0"}}''


       "datasetId": "5E8D70904325063915ADD4C472DA7BF0",
      "kompanyId": "E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841",
      "datasetName": "enhanced",
      "enhancedOptions": {
        "generalData": true,
        "stakeholders": false,
        "shareholders": false,
        "beneficialOwners": false,
        "suppressRefresh": false
      "info": null,
      "status": "COMPLETED",
      "requestTime": "2023-10-11T11:13:23+00:00",
      "responseTime": null,
      "estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
      "content": {
        "kompanyId": "E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841",
        "countryCode": "GE",
        "countryName": "Georgia",
        "registrationNumber": "445721611",
        "name": "შპს კორალ საერთაშორისო სატრანსპორტო ლოჯისტიკა",
        "status": "LIVE",
        "providedStatus": "რეგისტრირებულია",
        "address": "საქართველო, ქალაქი ბათუმი, სელიმ ხიმშიაშვილის ქუჩა,N94ა, სართული 1, ბინა N3",
        "legalForm": "შეზღუდული პასუხისმგებლობის საზოგადოება",
        "additionalData": {
          "otherIdentifiers": {
            "localNumber": "445721611"
          "legalEvents": {
            "registrationDate": "9/10/2023"
        "associatedEntities": {
          "shareholders": [],
          "officers": [
              "name": "მურათ ემინ ქორალ",
              "role": "officer",
              "providedRole": "Officer"
          "ultimateBeneficialOwners": []
        "industryActivityCode": [],
        "providerSpecificData": [],
        "sources": [
            "name": "Georgia Business Register - (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი)",
            "info": null,
            "primary": true,
            "fields": [
            "lastCheckedTime": "2023-10-11T11:13:41+00:00"
        "version": "company-v2.0"

    Ordering a document

    Our connection offers a Register Report (REPOFBRGE) in Georgian language. To request it please follow the usual steps by calling the product/order endpoints:

  • Retrieve the list of possible products with kompanyId and productType = REPOFBRGE for a certain entity using the product search endpoint.
  • Place a product order for a certain filing with the productOptionId using the product order endpoint.
  • Retrieve information of a certain purchased product order with the orderId using the product order retrieval endpoint.
  • Retrieve the order file content (PDF) using the product content retrieval endpoint.
  • Useful links

  • If you cannot find specific document type, check if you can order it via KYB Assist order endpoint.
  • To understand how API v2 works check our one pager.
  • Visit our Work with Endpoints section in GUIDES in case you need help with navigating across our endpoints portfolio.
  • If you would like to provide us with feedback or you have a question related to this connection, contact us here: